ArchetypesIf I told you someone was a “drama queen” or “earth mother,” chances are you would know exactly what I mean. You would conjure up a vivid image in your mind of how that person looked, acted and felt about the world.

That is because these terms call up a constellation of culturally shared patterns, or archetypes. The term archetypes was coined by Carl Jung, the early 20th Century “father of analytical psychology.”  Jung observed that myths and universal literature stories contain well defined themes that are universal reflections of our “collective unconscious.”

Many great thinkers have expanded on Jung’s theory of archetypes and the collective unconscious. If you want to dive more deeply into this topic, I recommend Carolyn Myss’s comprehensive analysis in Sacred Contracts.  Myss believes that we all born into this world for a purpose that can best be understood by living in harmony with our twelve chosen archetypes.

I have created a short quiz that will put you in touch with the six archetypes that I believe are most relevant to making decisions about your career or business.  I call them SuperHero archetypes, because they have the power to connect you with the passion, purpose and unique talents that will help you make a huge impact with your chosen work.

Curious?  Read on to see if you discover yourself in any of the SuperHero archetypes…or you can go here to take the quiz right now!

Use your intuition to read the descriptions below and see what seems to “fit.”  Most people will be a combination of types, but will fall primarily into a couple of archetypes.  If you are all over the map, you may be a “Renaissance Person” who can do just about anything you set  your mind to!

The Super Champion

a/k/a Advocate, Idealist, Reformer, Animal Rights Activist, Environmentalist

Super champions are conscious agents for positive social and environmental change.  They have a passion to transform society and their mission is to come to the aid of others, especially the poor, weak and disenfranchised.  They have a strong desire to make  difference in the world, and will go to extraordinary lengths to champion the rights of others.

The Super Innovator

a/k/a Cultural Creative, Artist, Tastemaker, Trendsetter

Super Innovators are motivated to create the extraordinary using their imaginations.  They may be involved in a variety of creative and scientific professions, but they are motivated by a common commitment to self-expression and empowerment.  Super Innovators contribute to the world by creating beauty and innovation, and engaging in creative problem-solving.

The Super Influencer

a/k/a Executive, CEO, Director, Networker, Deal-Maker

Super Influencers exude power and authority and command center stage.  They are committed to expanding their sphere of influence by forging alliances and deal-making.  They use their authority to protect those under their control and feel responsible for the well-being of others.  They are strategists who see leadership as a game of chess.

The Super Pathfinder

a/k/a Mentor, Coach, Teacher, Guide, Guru, Parent

Super Pathfinders are teachers in whom you can place your implicit trust.  Their mission is to pass on wisdom and define their students’ character.  They are dedicated to the art of communicating knowledge, experience, skills and wisdom.  They may operate in the mental or the spiritual realms, but they share a dedication to preserving knowledge and wisdom by passing it along to their followers.

The Super Cultivator

a/k/a Nurturer, Caregiver, Healer, Rescuer

Super Cultivators have a passion to serve others by repairing body, mind and spirit.  They have the inherent ability to inspire others in transforming pain into a healing process.  They are dedicated to caring for others in ways they cannot care for themselves.

The Super Prophet

a/k/a Visionary, Innovator, Pioneer, Entrepreneur

The Super Prophet has the capacity to break free of traditional expectations and rules, and to see what is just over the horizon.  They imagine possibilities that benefit all of society, and bring the future into the present.  They are strategists and innovators who generate creative ideas and act as change catalysts.

SuperPowers and Kryptonite

Superman was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound–but put him in the presence of Kryptonite and he quickly lost all his super powers.  Like Superman, each of the Super Archetypes comes with its own strengths and vulnerabilities.  By harnessing your own unique super powers and steering clear of your kryptonite, you can use your career to business to create a huge impact in the world.  Go here to take the quiz and get started!

Once you take the quiz, leave me a comment and let me know what you discovered!  In my next post, I will share my own super archetypes and how I am using them to reinvent my career.